Welcome to my blog!!!The airline industry is one of the biggest industry in the world.It has it is own rules that any company in the industry must follow.In this blog we will be discussing about two of those rules:
- Fuel Requirements
- The Air Operator Certificate
Fuel Requirements
An aircraft shall carry a sufficient amount of usable fuel
in order to complete the planned flight safely.The amount of fuel required
shall include:
Additional Fuel
Additional fuel is fuel which is added to comply with a
specific regulatory or company requirement.
Alternate Fuel
Alternate fuel is the amount of fuel required from the
missed approach point at the destination aerodrome until landing at the
alternate aerodrome. It takes into account the required fuel for:
Missed approach at the destination airport
Climb to enroute altitude, cruise and descent at
alternate aerodrome
Approach at alternate
Landing at the alternate aerodrome
When two alternates are
required by the Authority, alternate fuel must be sufficient to proceed to the
alternate which requires the greater amount of fuel.
Ballast Fuel
Ballast fuel is sometimes carried to maintain the aircraft
centre of gravity within limits. In certain aeroplanes, a zero fuel weight
above a defined threshold requires that a minimum amount of fuel be carried in
the wings through all phases of flight to prevent excessive wing bending. In
both cases, this fuel is considered ballast and, under anything other than
emergency circumstances, is not to be burned during the flight.
Contingency Fuel
Contingency fuel is carried to account for additional
enroute fuel consumption caused by wind, routing changes or ATM restrictions.
In general terms, the minimum contingency fuel is the greater of 5% of the trip
fuel or 5 minutes holding consumption at 1500' above destination airfield
elevation computed based on calculated arrival weight. However, some
regulators, with special approval, allow reduction to 3% of trip fuel with use
of enroute alternates or to specific time increments depending upon
demonstrated performance criteria from the Operator. At least one authority
allows, under very specific circumstances, for contingency fuel to be reduced
to 0.
Extra Fuel
Fuel added at the discretion of the Captain
Final Reserve Fuel
Final reserve fuel is the minimum fuel required to fly for
30 minutes at 1,500 feet above the alternate aerodrome or, if an alternate is
not required, at the destination aerodrome at holding speed in ISA conditions.
Some Regulating Authorities require sufficient fuel to hold for 45 minutes.
Minimum Brake Release Fuel
Minimum brake release fuel is that quantity of fuel which,
at the commencement of the takeoff roll, complies with all regulatory
requirements for the flight in question. This is the minimum legal fuel
required for departure.
Reserve Fuel
Reserve fuel is the sum of Alternate fuel plus Final Reserve
Taxi Fuel
Taxi fuel is the fuel used prior to takeoff and will
normally include pre-start APU consumption, engine start and taxi fuel. Taxi
fuel is usually a fixed quantity for an average taxi duration. However, local
conditions at the departure aerodrome such as average taxi time, normal ground
delays and any anticipated deicing delays should be taken into consideration
and the taxi fuel adjusted accordingly.
Trip Fuel
The Trip fuel is the required fuel quantity from brake
release on takeoff at the departure aerodrome to the landing touchdown at the
destination aerodrome. This quantity includes the fuel required for:
Climb to cruise level
Flight in level cruise including any planned
step climb or step descent
Flight from the beginning of descent to the
beginning of approach,
Landing at the destination
Block Fuel
Block fuel is the total fuel required for the flight and is
the sum of the Taxi fuel, the Trip fuel, the Contingency fuel, the Alternate
fuel, the Final Reserve fuel, the Additional fuel and any Extra fuel
International variations
An air operator certificate (AOC), sometimes alternatively described as an Air Operator Permit (AOP), is the approval granted from a national aviation authority (NAA) to an aircraft operator to allow it to use aircraft for commercial purposes. This requires the operator to have personnel, assets and systems in place to ensure the safety of its employees and the general public. This document will as a minimum detail the aircraft types which may be used, for what purpose and in what geographic region.
AOCs can be granted for one or more of the following activities:
· Aerial surveying
· Aerial spotting
· Agricultural operations
· Aerial photography
· Aerial advertising
· Fire fighting
· Air ambulance or aeromedical
· Flight Training
· Charter
· Public transport
The requirements for obtaining an AOC vary from country to country, but are generally defined as:
1. Sufficient personnel with the required experience for the type of operations requested,
2. Airworthy aircraft, suitable for the type of operations requested,
3. Acceptable systems for the training of crew and the operation of the aircraft (Operations Manual)
4. A quality system to ensure that all applicable regulations are followed,
5. The appointment of key accountable staff, who are responsible for specific safety critical functions such as training, maintenance and operations,
6. Carriers Liability Insurance (for Airlines) - Operators are to have sufficient insurance to cover the injury or death of any passenger carried.
7. Proof that the operator has sufficient finances to fund the operation
8. The operator has sufficient ground infrastructure, or arrangements for the supply of sufficient infrastructure, to support its operations into the aerodromes requested.
9. The certificate is held by a legal person who resides in the country or region of application
International variations
An AOC is referred to as a Air Carrier Operating Certificate in the USA.
Thank you for Reading!!!!!
Abdou Chakour Arouna
University of Turkish Aeronautical and Association
Hi my friend! I read your writing and I like it. You mentioned fuel requirement and certification. Fuel is very important for aircraft. Fuel is look like water for people. People cannot live without water so aircraft cannot move without fuel. If fuel requirement is not balanced, pilot will face some problems. Main problem is that aircraft can be without fuel in air. And also people should pay attention quality of fuel. If fuel in not high quality, it can make aircraft bad. It can broke the engine. For your second topic, certification is good thing to know that what type of person can do this job. People can chose true guys to work this job by certifiying. I think to get certificate should not be easy, ıf a person really deserve certificate, it can take.
YanıtlaSilYou said every necessary thing about fuel requirement and certification, so I stop writing in here. Good job, keep writing!
Hi my friend Abdou !
YanıtlaSilFirstly, I want to thank you very much for your teriffic comment.. :) As I read your blog,I said how to well organized. I really liked your Blog !
You mentioned the fuel requirement which is really important for the aircraft during flight. If there is not enough fuel,the aircraft can make relative big accidents, or the pilot will have big problems during the flight. I want to say something else, but your blog is so full of information so that I cannot find words to say...You wrote all about the fuel.. For your second topic, also the Air Operator Certification you chose nice pictures. I mean for your both topics you chose terrific pictures. As you said, pictures tell something more than words. You wrote the categories for the Air Operator Certificate which shows all about it..
Thank you for your terrific Blog.. I loved it.. Super job! I wish you the best ! :)
Hi dear friend! your topics are very important because it is very necessery for plane.Firstly,fuel must be checked before every flight.Secondly,Should the fl-light certification of all pilots because ıt should not be given to the pilot without experience.As a result,picturs and topic very well.Thank you for informing us.
YanıtlaSilHi Abdou :)
YanıtlaSilI read your blog taking pleasure :) Your blog is very succesful.Fuel requirement is very important for aircraft because if there is not enough fuel,the aircraft can make fatal accident and this very horrible event.I mean for your both topics you chose very well pictures.Your blog have enjoyable organized.I take a new information.Thank you for your very well blog.Good job.I did not look negative something. Congratulations :)
Helloo Abdouu :)
YanıtlaSilFuel yeah. Without dinosaurs i couldnt able to fly except the glider :) So are many things for the fuel. When i think it first i couldn't able to find so many subject for fuel. People thinks that it is easy, anyone can load a fuel to the plane right? But thanks to you now everyone will know this is a hard doing. you have enlighten me :) Ahmet Alper GÖL